Jump!Star: Double Infinity Performance

Listening Ritual for Recalibration / Wednesday, March 19th, 7pm CET / Hybrids online-Event

Wednesday, March 19th, 7pm CET
Hybrid online-Event: https://umw-sso.zoom.us/j/87997122755?pwd=AM4qFd8HmRQUDPi4hoIu3hf7x0f3ig.1

Jump!Star: Double Infinity invites the audience to witness and participate in a listening ritual for recalibration of time between past, present, and future. This is a hybrid event taking place within the exhibition Double Infinity of Jump!Star: Simmering at the Ridderhof Martin Gallery and the online meeting space. 

Jump!Star: Simmering was a process-oriented transdisciplinary art project between US American artist George Ferrandi and Jump!Star’s Vienna-based creative team: Anna Gaberscik, Bianca Figl, Futurelove Sibanda, Karin Cheng, Mario Sinnhofer aka Touched, Melika Remik, Teresa Distelberger, and Zuzana Ernst. The exhibition Double Infinity of Jump!Star: Simmering currently showcases elements of this multi-faceted collaboration directed by Ferrandi and presented by Brunnenpassage and Weltmuseum Wien. At the center of the exhibition is a rope woven by participants from around the globe during the Covid-19 lockdown of 2020. In the weeks after initial lockdown, the Jump!Star team hosted an open digital space in which people from around the world could connect with each other every day through conversations, dance and song. During each daily session, online participants braided scraps of fabric from their homes into segments of rope, which were shipped to Vienna and united into one long rope by the Jump!Star: Simmering team to be shared with the public at the Weltmuseum Wien when physical gatherings were possible again. Later the rope traveled to be exhibited at documenta 15 as part of the INSTAR series of Tania Bruguera.  

As an object, the rope symbolizes the collaborative spirit of Jump!Star, an artistic initiative founded by Ferrandi that brings together communities, scientists, artists and arts organizations to explore how future generations might commemorate the shifting of Earth’s North Star. This installation also includes the videos, sounds, drawings and article series created by the Jump!Star: Simmering Team as part of their online sessions.

Join us on March 19th at 7pm CET in this virtual space: https://umw-sso.zoom.us/j/87997122755?pwd=AM4qFd8HmRQUDPi4hoIu3hf7x0f3ig.1

Everybody is welcome!

More about the project: 


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