The People of StoryTelling:Europe!

Asma Aiad
conceptual artist, activist and youth worker
She has earned her Bachelor’s degree in political science and is currently studying at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. She is completing her Master’s degree in Gender Studies, with a research focus in Islamic feminism. Her activism and artistic work deal with topics like identity constructions, anti-racism, feminism and the deconstruction of stereotypes. She is a co-founder of “Salam Oida”, an initiative that celebrates Muslim culture and art in Austria. Her various works such as “This is not a headscarf” or “(Un)Seen Sacred Spaces”, she explores her Muslim identity in Austria and Europe and issues such as discrimination, representation, and art.
For StoryTelling:Europe! she is developing a multimedia stations exhibition in co-creation with protagonists of the market under the title “A Viennese Caravanserai”.

Melika Ramic
performance director and art education
She has worked at the Burgtheater Wien, Wiener Festwochen, Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus as well as Dschungel Wien, Brunnenpassage ArtSpcialSpace and others. In 2010 she founded her association motschnik and staged various plays for young audiences, which were shown at national (spleen*graz, Szene Bunte Wähne, SCHÄXPIR Linz) and international festivals in the UK, Malta, Switzerland, Luxembourg.
Since 2017 she has collaborated with the Canadian group Mammalian Diving Reflex on projects such as Haircuts by Children, These Are The People In Your Neighbourhood, and All The Sex I’ve Ever Had, touring to the US, Finland, Australia, Slovenia, and Germany.
In 2021 she was curatorial collaborator for the family program of the Kultursommer Wien. She is currently working as an artistic collaborator on the long-term project “Humboldting the Humboldt” between the Humboldt Forum Berlin and the Thomas Mann Gymnasium Berlin under the artistic direction of Darren O’Donnell.
For StoryTelling:Europe! she is creating performative StoryWalks with and by children of a neighbourhood school class collecting and sharing stories with and by local shop operators and market stall workers.

Natalia Hecht
Community Artist, Psychologist, Cultural Evaluation Expert from Argentina living in Vienna.
At the core of her artistic practice are participatory co-creation and reflection processes with communities. Through collaboration, artistic intervention and critical social reflection, central topics such as diversity, migration, transculturality, feminism and collective care, are explored in order to initiate processes of self-representation and transformation. Natalia has specialised in designing and leading evaluation processes in the cultural sector with an art-based, discrimination sensitive, participatory approach. She has been part of Brunnenpassage Team for many years developing artistic projects and leading community engagement and evaluation processes.
Her role in StoryTelling:Europe! is supervisor, curatorial one with a focus on the development of thematic focus, methodology and the interrelation between the project rails.

Saime's art is defined by lines, shapes and repeating symmetries. In interaction, this creates unique patterns in a wide variety of sizes. Again and again one finds cultural flashbacks in her mandalas, which literally demand a place in her art. So it's no surprise that arabesque geometry plays a present role in Saime's aka d'artagnan's works, as it demands harmony from the artist not only in lines and shapes, but also with colors.
www.dartagnanart.com / instagram: daartagnaan

Livia Heisz
Künstlerin, Sounddesign
arbeitet als Audio Cutterin, Sound Designerin, Sprecherin, Podcast Produzentin und freie Kulturschaffende. Während der vergangenen Jahre machte sie Theater mit Kindern (Freies Kinder- und Jugendtheaterensemble TAIJATA) und Radio mit alten Menschen (FaltenrockFM), hatte Produktionsleitungen und -assistenzen verschiedener Festivals und Bühnenprojekte inne und gestaltete Hörspiele und -texte für Schulen. Aktuell arbeitet sie für das Podcast Label OH WOW und ist Teil von verschiedenen Theater- und Performanceprojekten. Mit dem Verein iAKW (internationale Akademie der Künste Wien) realisiert sie transdisziplinäre Kunst- und Kulturprojekte. Ihr Interesse gilt der menschlichen Stimme, experimentellen Hörstücken sowie der antiken Mythologie. Als Rían [ ' ɹ 𝕚 ɛ 𝕟 ] produziert sie Klangformate aka akustische Stimmungsbilder aka experimentelle Soundcollagen.
StoryWalks und Hörstation
Ein Projekt von Melika Ramić & Akteur*innen vom Brunnenmarkt
TEAM // Konzept, Projektleitung, Ko-Kuration: Fariba Mosleh // Künstlerin, Konzept, Workshopleitung: Melika Ramić // Sounddesign, Künstlerin: Livia Heisz // Partizipatorische Ko-Kuration: Natalia Hecht // Ko-Kreateur*innen der Volkschule Gaullachergasse: Hadi A., Harrison A., Seda B., Dominik C., Amina C., Valentina D., Djordje D., Andan F., Aisha H., Sebastian J., Mario K., Muhammet K., Antonela K., Mihai L., Stanislav M., Leen S., Sened S., Ajdin S. sowie die Lehrer*innen Stefan Steiner und Veronika Votava // Geschäftstreibende des Brunnenmarktes: Team DiliES, Mujtaba Hashemi, Murat Kaya, Andrea und Stefan Popescu, Ilse Weiser, uvm. // Produktion: Fariba Mosleh und Annamaria Kemethofer-Waliczky // Mitarbeit: Grâce Andrianjatovo, Michele Chung, Felix Grohs, Camilla König // Website und Graphik: David Mathews // Technik: Brunnenpassage
Ein Projekt von Asma Aiad & Geschäftstreibenden des Brunnenmarktes.
„Wall of Karavanserai“ von Saime Öztürk.
TEAM // Konzept, Projektleitung, Ko-Kuration: Fariba Mosleh // Künstlerin, Konzept, Ausstellung: Asma Aiad // Wall of the Karavanserai: Saime Öztürk // Partizipatorische Ko-Kuration: Natalia Hecht // Produktion: Fariba Mosleh und Annamaria Kemethofer-Waliczky // Standbetreibende: Amiri Amanullah – Aktion Stoffe, Abida Hassan Ali, Ilse Weiser – Blumen Weiser, Fayed Arwal -Syrischer Imbiss, Yusuf Ersoy – Käseparadies, Abu Zien, Abu Adnan & Abu Omar – DiliES // Mitarbeit: Ines Mahmoud, Imen Bousnina, Esma Bošnjaković // Film: Mucan Films, Asma Aiad // Schnitt: Asma Aiad // Design Karte: Ines Mahmoud // Illustration Teppichmotiv: Imen Bousnina // Übersetzung: Suad Mohamed, Fahim Heydari // Text: Amani Abuzahra